Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Smoothie (the "Sketch-Free Vegan" way)

We've been blogging for a year and a half now, and one thing that always stumped us was pumpkin. Why was everyone so obsessed with it in the vegan world? I've only ever used it in pumpkin pie...that's it. Well since getting acquainted with vegan blogging, I've come across pumpkin enthusiast blogs that have helped me in formulated my own pumpkin recipes. The pure2raw twins recently posted a myriad of their healthy pumpkin recipes here.

I've seen many pumpkin pie smoothies out there, and usually have smoothies for breakfast so I wanted to keep mine low-glycemic, with no refined sugars. A few blends later, and this creamy drink was the result:

3/4 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
1/3 cup pumpkin puree
1 banana (frozen or fresh)
1 large ice cube (if using fresh banana)
2 tbsp lucuma powder (so good in this, can't even describe it)
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Let the pumpkin shine in!

On another note, look what I found at the store!! It's banana powder, like what?! All there is in it is bananas, can't wait to try it out, I don't really know what to use it in...any ideas?

And a random salad ;)...

Greens, avocado, red pepper hummus, salad topper (from Living Intentions), and cucumber


  1. Yummy smoothie! And that salad.. Swoon!

  2. I went to a raw food demonstration that made banana fudge with the banana powder - it was just dates, banana powder and cinnamon. So yummy.

  3. dude, how much was that banana powder?? we don't have it here in the states! or at least not in the midwest..... :( sad.
